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Hello, does somebody know if there is any possibility to make a public accessible page in sprykers z
does somebody know if there is any possibility to make a public accessible page in sprykers zed backend? As far as i know, the only page that is accessible without beeing authenticated is the login page itself. But since the symfony firewall points as “login_path” option to it, this route is automatic public to not authenticated users due to some magic symfony logic in the background…
We want to redirect a user to a zed-hosted information page where he gets infos how to get access to the backend (“Please contact admin bla bla … “) … but for my actual understanding, this page must be accessible to not authenticated users.
We tried to add the route to the ignorable pattern of the security plugins config but it seems not to have any effect … the guard always tries to authenticate the user when he want to access that specific route.
Last option would be to add another firewall for only this one page… but would really like to avoid that …
Any ideas?
look for the constant IGNORABLE_ROUTE_PATTERN
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We tried to add the route to the ignorable pattern of the security plugins config but it seems not to have any effect
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on SecurityGuiConfig.php?
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I have another assumption ..I think it might be that the user is not “un-authenticated” in the moment we want to reach the controller … for example: the user is logged in … the token guard has noticed that the user should not be logged in anymore … authentication error is thrown and redirect to the info page should happen … but on redirect, the user is still logged in … any idea how to “programatically” log the user out without routing them to the logout route?
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SecuriyGuiConfig::IGNORABLE_ROUTE_PATTERN u have to add your route and in config u have to add the acl default rules and specify also what is allowed/denied (\Spryker\Shared\Acl\AclConstants::ACL_USER_RULE_WHITELIST and \Spryker\Shared\Acl\AclConstants::ACL_DEFAULT_RULES)
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Yeah, i tried this, but seems no effect … my guess is, i am still logged in …
with$accessRules = [
];on the security plugin it seems that the ignroable paths only apply to anonymously authenticated users … which is not the case when i am still loged in … so, i have to find a way to force log out BEFORE this redirect
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have you tried adding the controller to $config[AclConstants::ACL_DEFAULT_RULES]
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