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Heya, Anyone out there with some in-depth product/middleware knowledge, was experimenting with linki

Heya, Anyone out there with some in-depth product/middleware knowledge, was experimenting with linking together the middleware to write products to the db, but with the standard shop setup it chokes on setting up the DE store
Hey @U01JBB8LNTE you tried to use standard DataImport step, which expects specific keys to be defined in DataSet (if used in standard data import context, they are defined in CSV file). You should write your own data import step which would work with the DataSet that is mapped in your middleware mapper
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Hm... yes I see what you are saying here, seems like I should be able to stream my inconsistent products through and match them up with the standard though... was thinking that the mapper would take care of that, but maybe I need to look at the actual data import step
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The mapper could take care of that. Or you could achieve what you need in translation step (with rules defined in dictionary) but on thw other hand, i'd just write custom step (or extend parts of default)
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