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When running the code style sniffer upon commit, I'm getting errors like this: ```FOUND 1 ERROR AFFE

When running the code style sniffer upon commit, I'm getting errors like this:
FOUND 1 ERROR AFFECTING 1 LINE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 173 | ERROR | [x] @throw annotation `\Exception` superfluous and | | needs to be removed ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Indeed, my code might throw an exception at this very place. Thus, having a @throws annotation in the function's docblock should be fully correct. How would the calling function know that it needs to catch it otherwise? Am I missing something here or is the code sniffer behaving wrongly here?
Just a guess, but perhaps itβs because Youβre using a generic Exception class. If Youβd throw βSomeSpecificExceptionβ exception this error would go away.
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Just wanted to give you a most basic example.
It also appears with custom exceptions, unfortunately.0 -
Yes, needs to be
as per standards afaik.0 -
My assumption is that the sniffer will complain if the annotated function doesn't explicitly throw this type of exception. If e. g. it is thrown in a nested function, it won't recognize it.
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As far as I remember, this code sniffer rule checks only exceptions, which you explicitly define inside the method body. So if exception is not directly in the method body, annotation is not needed
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Yes, looks like it. But how would you get around this then? Catching and rethrowing the exception as a workaround doesn't feel right.
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Looks like itβs intentional:We only ever declare them for the exceptions inside the own method.
So you can extend this sniff, or disable it. Or maybe @UQK3ZPJEN can suggest better, since heβs author of this sniff
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yes, we only use primary level exceptions, as nested starts to lie soon (as it is almost impossible to assert by sniffer).
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you can always remove this on project level - or replace it.
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What is the concrete code in your method?
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It's basically this:
/** * @throws \Exception */ protected function foo() { // this will throw an exception that should be propagated to the caller of foo() $this->nestedFoo(); }
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In that case you could only extend/overwrite/silence the core sniffer rule.
I wonder if a bang-overwrite could make sense* @throws \Exception !
with the ! as comment it could ignore the "removal" requirement.
I use a similar approach for IDE helper based annotations to be auto-managed.
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I was hoping for something like that. But doesn't help, unfortunately.
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/** * @param array $tourTime * @param string $localeTransfer * * @throws \Exception ! * * @return string */ protected function getDeliveryDateText(array $tourTime, string $localeTransfer): string { ... }
still gives
---------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUND 1 ERROR AFFECTING 1 LINE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 174 | ERROR | [x] @throw annotation `\Exception` superfluous and | | needs to be removed ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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"wonder" + "could make sense" => I was only spitballing ideas here, none of this is of course implemented.
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Sure, I appreciate any idea. Didn't expect it to be final, but hey, we could have been lucky.
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I added the idea here for further feedback from everyone: https://github.com/spryker/code-sniffer/issues/275
Also, if someone wants, they can do a PR here to support this.0 -
@U01LKKBK97T Can you check if https://github.com/spryker/code-sniffer/pull/278 would work here as expected?
I am planning a release for end of this week, so this fit in with almost no work needed.0 -
Seems to work, great job!
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