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Hi everyone 👋, our deployment process takes up to 400 - 500 seconds only on command 'frontend:p
Hi everyone 👋,
our deployment process takes up to 400 - 500 seconds only on command 'frontend:project:install-dependencies'.
It seems that we lose a lot of time for the node-gyp rebuild
task there. node-gyp rebuild
therefore is only necessary for ‘node-sass’.
And 'node-sass' seems to be considered as deprecated (https://github.com/sass/node-sass/issues/2952) and can be replaced by 'dart-sass' (https://github.com/sass/dart-sass), like it is already recommended on webpacks documentation (https://webpack.js.org/loaders/sass-loader/).
While we can easily replace it on Pyz/Yves level, we want to avoid to replace it in 'spryker/oryx-for-zed' ourselves. Are there any considerations to replace ‘node-sass’ with ’dart-sass’ in this package? Maybe @UN6T8SEM7?
Any other recommendations to improve performance on this particular deployment step?
Hi Marcel! Yes we have plans to replace
together with update to webpack 5. But I think we can even do it separately as a perfromance improvement for our build.0 -
Can you please create a ticket in our support system?
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Hi Alexander! Thanks for your response. I will create a ticket 👍
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A public announcement would be great if this is implemented.
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I will add an internal note to announce it here, in the community.
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