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Hi I am getting this error what can be the reason ?
I have not seen such error.
I assume it could be wrong configuration.
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It is ruflin/elastica - try to browse for the specific error message
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I see
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I will try
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thank you ๐
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For nothing ๐
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Hi Ahmad, Elasticsearch must be able to read the file if you reference it in the schema under synonyms_path within a filter. Usually permission problem. You donโt necessarily have to use a file, but you could also specify the synonyms directly in the schema, if there are not too many... https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/analysis-synonym-tokenfilter.html#_solr_synonyms
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You cannot use this file as elasticSearch is running in different container.
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I tried changing the permission but did not work
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I tried even deleting the file ๐
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I think the missing link here is that these files do not exist in the container because docker-compose did not move them there โฆ the question is how do I change the deployment recipe ?
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it seems like the missing part was re-boot the sdk after changing the configuration of docker-compose for elastic search
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now it works ๐
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thank you all ๐
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What composer changes have you done?
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I changed the volume mapping for ElasticSearch to include new config files
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I added
directory heredocker/context/elasticsearch/
then added a new volume mapping- ./${DEPLOYMENT_PATH}/context/elasticsearch/config:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/analysis:ro
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I tried reset and clean then up โฆ finally I deleted all the generated files and re-booted
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So it is just second volume with the same config?
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not the same config โฆ new files for dictionary configuration and search terms ..etc
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Is it mandatory?
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it depends on your elastic search usage โฆ you can add all the synonyms in the schema file but in my case the synonyms are too large to include in the schema file
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I would not say it is mandatory
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I got it.
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Thanks for your experience.
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thank you for you support ๐
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btw is there a way to get the logs from spryker in one directory ?
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@UPZH5HHEV I assume we would need to have the functionality in Docker SDK to mount synonyms.txt if provided.
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According logs: you can set any destination in your config_default.php files.
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