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Non support related question. I was wondering what monorepo tool Spryker uses? I've used some in the

Non support related question. I was wondering what monorepo tool Spryker uses? I've used some in the past but they all bumped versions at the same time, but each Spryker module has its own semantic version. That's very cool and interesting. Where could I look around? ๐
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,095 โ๏ธ - Guardians (admin)
maybe @UQK3ZPJEN ? ๐
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Well, it is Spryker proprietary.
The public frontend for it can be seen here: https://api.release.spryker.com/The rest is "behind the curtain".
It does use a special kind of subtree splitting, and a special kind of development and release process to make it possible to maintain 1000 of modules.
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I uses our own state machine btw to orchestrate the process of automatic releasing:
https://speakerdeck.com/dereuromark/automate-processes-using-a-state-machine0 -
giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ Lรถffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 ๐ง๐ปโ๐ - Cadet
It means u use CakePHP StateMachine to manage the release and this as tool for the monorepo?
It means that api.reease.spryker.com is developed with CakePHP?0 -
Oh wow, that is what I would call a proper way to do CI/CD. Thanks @UQK3ZPJEN, I respect that is proprietary. ๐
If this is possible (meaning, if you don't get in any kind of legal problem by doing it) could you point me to one or two open source libs your proprietary tool uses? Maybe the subtree splitting algorithm is OOS?
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Another question, sorry. How do you automatically detect breaking changes to bump major versions? Tooling that analyses the public api (similar to this tool) or some commit message convention or none of the above?
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We have created our own mono repo tool (https://github.com/dandelionphp) and use it for our packages (https://github.com/fond-of-oryx/fond-of-oryx). The naming and versioning is not an automatic process (has to be made manually in https://github.com/fond-of-oryx/fond-of-oryx/blob/main/dandelion.json). The split is automatically made by merge in the main branch and the release will be trigger by a manual github action
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