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Hey guys, using the GLUE API I am making a post request to `
Hey guys,
using the GLUE API I am making a post request to <http://glue.de.spryker.local/carts/${cartUUID}/items?include=items>
, this gives me some info on the items in the cart, however not the string title of the products, is there anyway to get them in the same request, if not what would be the best to get all of them.
Also is there anyway to see what include parameters are available per endpoint, haven't seen them listend anywhere yet.
request payload:
data: {
type: "items",
attributes: {
sku: stringSKU,
quantity: stringQuantity,
}0 -
Also is there a clear cart endpoint, I dont want to delete the cart I just want to completly clear it.
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Hey Niklas.
No clear cart endpoint exists, You can remove the items one by one though with
DELETE /carts/:uuid/items/:groupKey
as for the product name:
is related toconcrete-products
should be working.0 -
just so I understand I make one request per item for the delete
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or what exactly is that groupKey
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also why does the first product have way more info than the others one, I would like all of them to have the info the first one has
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okay forget my last message they're connected I get that now
0 -
So can I make something like a group request? So lets says
delete /groupkey1/groupkey2/groupkey3 ?
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