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spryker, please stop using statics and global constants. It's a nightmare to unit test. And please d
spryker, please stop using statics and global constants. It's a nightmare to unit test. And please depracate/remove LoggerTrait and ErrorLogger, as it is braking https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependency_inversion_principle.
What do you mean statics and global const?
any example to get your question?
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Search in vendor for any global constant like:
Search in vendor for
and then, please unit test these classes in reasonable way. Good luck!0 -
Why do you need to unit test ErrorLogger? For Config you can set any config value for test with \SprykerTest\Shared\Testify\HelperConfigHelper.
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I don't need unit test error logger. But because you guys love to use statics, it is hard to test if logger is logging something.
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If I understand you correctly you call a method and then you want to see if something ended up in the log?
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No. If I inject logger interface mock, and I put expectation on it, I expect it is called. Sounds like you never unit tested...
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And you are super judgmental about people that you never meet or worked with.
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Yeah, not the first time "Spryker" acting as developing gods.
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I pointed out this issue to one of your senior architects more than year ago, now it is getting worse and worse.
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But again, you guys are the "gods", and I, as a user am stuck with this.
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As far as I can see from this thread you have exactly 3 examples
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and none are affecting the actual logic, but I might be wrong
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Ok, test this method, that you expect exception logged https://sprykercommunity.slack.com/archives/CKJRJM5FG/p1600695919008200
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who is
? I am seeing this code for the first time π0 -
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This example is not the best one for sure and I would not write it like this.
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I don't care about your thoughts.
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And spryker is full of examples like that.
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I have a stupid question, why are you testing Spryker code? Shouldn' you test your logic that you wrote?
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I am not testing spryker code. I am extending spryker code which is depending on that method. And I want to know that I didn't brake original behavior.
Stop asking stupid questions, please.
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This is like testing if libraries work. But maybe I am missing a point of testing. If there is a bug feel free to report it.
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You are the bug
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Stop commenting, please. Unless you have valuable input.
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@UNBSW8S8K your opinion is noted, thank you. And while we appreciate your feedback (we really do, you make our product better), please take a step back and evaluate whether you approach here is yielding the results you are after
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@tom.lehner please ask people to stop giving input if it is useless.
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Thanks for noting this serious issue in whole spryker codebase.
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