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Hi, I have a query regarding my spryker webshop. The users are not able to login to the spryker fron

I have a query regarding my spryker webshop.
The users are not able to login to the spryker frontend shop using their provided credentials. It says "Authentication Failed".
However, the backoffice logins are working fine.
Could anyone please point out if you came across the issue before and let me know the steps to solve the same if available.
Please check whether your customers are active, have a look at db table
. If you're having a b2b shop, you might also need to check customers' companies inspy_company
, they need to be active, too.0 -
One of possible reasons could be discrepancy between deploy files.
We had a problem in our latest public demo shops where deploy.yml and deploy.dev.yml were updated to have backoffice\backgw\backapi instead of single zed but other deploy files were not updated and had single zed.
So when you try to log in on yves, application was trying to go to backoffice\backgw but they didn't exist in the deploy file so there were no such services in containers.Please make sure this is not the case for you.
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I experienced also that “authentication failed” can be caused by any other zed related error, so checking log files first.
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sorry for the stupid question, but from the original message from @U02MX1A53CP i understand agent login, not customer login. because he said the in backoffice works the login.. then maybe is only the agent flag missing??!
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I believe he means that he can login into backoffice as a user but can't login into the frontoffice as a customer.
And yes, zed\backoffice logs have to be checked.
But there can be none if the reason is the same as I described.0 -
Yes.. I meant I cannot login into frontend as customer.
Cc: @valerii.trots @UL65CH0MC0
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