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Good morning, short question regarding DB maintenance. I observed, that especially spy_oms_transitio

Good morning,
short question regarding DB maintenance.
I observed, that especially spy_oms_transition_log can grow quite big quite fast.
How do handle that?
Yes it can get big, because it tracks each state transition for each order item. However you should check for any βinfinite loopsβ in your OMS state machines, which results in huge duplicates in the transition log.
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We archive older orders to control the size of the sales/OMS tables but unfortunately this isnβt a generic process, it needs to be project specific due to all the relations with payments
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Thanks fit the answer!
We indeed have such kind of infinite loops like waiting for an external event (payment,...).
Is there a "nice" way to get rid of those?0 -
We did have this problem a few years ago, the quick fix was writing some SQL to find particular duplicate states in a single order and remove the duplicates. Then we changed the state machine process to prevent the loops by either adding a retry count and escaping after a few tries or preventing the loop in the first place. For example if you need to wait for an external event it should be a
transition and if the check fails there should be no transition, and therefore no log entry.0 -
I just checked, and at least in our case we got some rows for those "waitForSomething" conditions:123,1,123,123,,Pyz\Zed\IsOrderPaidPlugin,,,host,,,| |,vendor/bin/console oms:check-condition,1,waiting for payment,waiting for payment,2022-09-11 17:30:02
Do I miss anything here?
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Or should I get rid of the second part, that we currently have?
<transition happy="true" condition="MerchantSalesOrder/IsOrderPaid"> <!-- if all order items are paid --> <source>paid</source> <target>merchant split pending</target> </transition> <transition> <!-- else --> <source>paid</source> <target>paid</target> </transition>
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The else condition looks strange because the source and target are the same - I think you can remove this part, because the βhappyβ transition will only change the state if the condition is true, otherwise it will remain in the βpaidβ state and there should be no entry in the log
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I double checked everything and TransitionLog is being written, even if source and target are the same.
I also cannot find anything that should prevent that in https://github.com/spryker/oms/blob/master/src/Spryker/Zed/Oms/Business/OrderStateMachine/OrderStateMachine.php0 -
Did you try removing this part?
<transition> <!-- else --> <source>paid</source> <target>paid</target> </transition>
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Yes i did.
The problem is:<transition happy="true" condition="PSP/IsOrderPaid"> <source>waiting for payment</source> <target>paid</target> </transition>
This generates lines as:
23,5,441,576,,Pyz\Zed\PSP\Communication\Plugin\Oms\Condition\IsOrderPaidPlugin,,,87e094387bfe,,,| |,/data/vendor/bin/console oms:check-condition,1,waiting for payment,waiting for payment,2022-09-14 07:43:12
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Strange - that doesnβt make sense to me. Itβs my understanding that the log records transitions that complete but not ones that fail the condition. Our Spryker version does not do this but maybe we changed this behaviour, I do seem to remember checking the code for this area.
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