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Hello I try to generate / migrate demo data: docker/sdk up --build --assets --data and receive an
I try to generate / migrate demo data:
docker/sdk up --build --assets --data
and receive an error:
Command propel-migrate [vendor/bin/console propel:migrate] (In progress...)
Clean schema directory
Copy and merge schema files
Adjust propel config for PostgreSQL and missing functions (group_concat)
Delete migration files directory.
Dropping all database tables.
All database tables have been dropped.
Generate diff for Propel2
No table found in all databases
Comparing models...
Structure of database was modified in datasource "zed": 278 added tables
"/data/src/Orm/Propel/Migration_pgsql/PropelMigration_1634115975.php" file successfully created.
Please review the generated SQL statements, and add data migration code if necessary.
Once the migration class is valid, call the "migrate" task to execute it.
Store: DE | Environment: docker.dev
Migrate database
Executing migration PropelMigration_1634115975 up
Propel\Runtime\Exception\RuntimeException - Exception: Failed to execute SQL "CREATE TABLE "spy_point_of_sale_availability"
"id_point_of_sale_availability" INTEGER NOT NULL,
"fk_point_of_sale_availability_abstract" INTEGER NOT NULL,
"fk_store" INTEGER,
"fk_point_of_sale" INTEGER NOT NULL,
"is_never_out_of_stock" BOOLEAN DEFAULT 'f',
"quantity" NUMERIC(20,10) NOT NULL,
"sku" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ("id_point_of_sale_availability"),
CONSTRAINT "spy_point_of_sale_availability-sku" UNIQUE ("sku","fk_store","fk_point_of_sale")
)". Aborting migration.
in /data/vendor/propel/propel/src/Propel/Generator/Command/MigrationMigrateCommand.php (149)
Command: vendor/bin/console propel:migrate
do anyone have any hint to solve that issue ?
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,089 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
Heyhey, can you please give some more background information? - Is the project built on a demoshop? If yes, which one? What release-version is the shop at? Are you using postgresql or mariadb? (i guess postgresql)
0 -
Thanks, that it wasn't a version thing
docker/sdk boot deploy.dev.yml
gem install docker-sync
#that was missingdocker/sdk up --build --assets --data
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