Hello, since I’ve update my macOs to 13.2 ventura my “docker/sdk up” has the problem to clone git r
since I’ve update my macOs to 13.2 ventura my “docker/sdk up” has the problem to clone git repositories.
Does anybody have a solution or recommandation for help?
#10 16.10 Host key verification failed.
10 16.10 fatal: Could not read from remote repository
Access to repositories is locally via terminal possible.
SSH key is provided and added via ssh-agent.
https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/authentication-for-private-packages.md#manual-github-oauth maybe this could help you
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Our bitbucket does not need a consumer because we use ssh.
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The error message: Host key verification failed
Is what confuses me.
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this error means you are trying to pull protected repository from the github withhout credentials
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Ok - But why is it not possible inside the docker container to clone via git?
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Because locally my ssh key is added.
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And this setup worked before my os update
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sorry, for this case i have no idea
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No problem.
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Creating “.known_hosts” file in my project root solved the problem.
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