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how to transfer a spryker (vagrant) project ? Copy paste folder with app, but how to set virtual box
Probably this readme should help in this case - https://github.com/spryker/devvm/tree/develop/saltstack.
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If you copied the whole directory (including hidden files and directories) to a new machine, that has vagrant and VirtualBox already installed, I think that just
vagrant up
would work.0 -
@U010MDPMB3N, i copied whole directory, generate package.box, copied all to other machine, vagrant up, everything looks good i can enter to vagrant ssh, but in my browser i not see project
PS. structure of catalogs are the same like in previous machine
http://zed.de.b2c-demo-shop.local0 -
Was this an existing project? Did you need to create an specific box for your project?
The hostnames are handled by the hostmanager vagrant plugin. Do you have it on your setup? Is it set on the Vagrantfile?
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The required items are listed here: https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/installation-guide-b2c
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in my previous laptop i used this documentation, but in new machine with is sense to use it ? i want run the same on other machine, i got the think i can create new vagrant project from this documentation and override "project" folder with previous "project", but does this is correctly
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The reason is only to know which are the requirements and to install the missing ones, if any. Do you have in the new machine the needed vagrant plugins?
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Hello, in case if it's new laptop, my suggestion will be:
1. Push your code to github
2. Follow installation guide: https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/installation-guide-b2c
3. When you'll met step 4:VM_PROJECT=b2c-demo-shop SPRYKER_REPOSITORY="<https://github.com/spryker-shop/b2c-demo-shop.git>" vagrant up
adjust this parameters with your git repo and VM_PROJECT (domain) name
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