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Hi , is there any reasons why "UtilTextService" instantiates directly in "PropelSchemaMerg
Because it works , I guess
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IMO - If it works, it's OK. You won't blame people for taking another road to the store, just because you like another road more. Let programmers do it the way it works for them the best. π
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I don't want to blame someone else.
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can you point me to some code?
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and i absolutely disagree with @UK5DS29L2 π
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of course there can always be a shortcut, but it should be a reflected decision. These things can make the life of people further down the road harder than necessary
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private function getElementName(SimpleXMLElement $fromXmlChildElement, $tagName) { $elementName = (array)$fromXmlChildElement->attributes(); $elementName = current($elementName); if (is_array($elementName) && isset($elementName['name'])) { $elementName = $tagName . '|' . $elementName['name']; } if (empty($elementName) || is_array($elementName)) { $utilTextService = new UtilTextService(); $elementName = 'anonymous_' . $utilTextService->generateRandomString(32); } return $elementName; }
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change was introduced in https://github.com/spryker/propel/commit/11b7a10f26896b1dd8430c09f9a0842c4387a6ec
stereomon committed on Dec 5, 2016
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looks like that particular commit was about replacing the library with a service, and not βinjecting it properlyβ. I think question from @UKBF1R1S5 is not to finger-point, but rather to understand something that doesnβt fit to the general picture. And I donβt see a good reason why not injecting it properly..
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i agree, this was probably a semi-automatic refactoring
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it is still unclean from Spryker side, should not look like that
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sure, the line was touched (for service replacement) ~3Β½ years ago and nobody was taking any further care to check for
new FooService()
usages in business models..As an answer to original question: "legacy code" could be the only reasonable explanation why proper injection was not used
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i agree, unfortunately
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FYI. I created a pull request by spryker.
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