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How do I make fixtures defined? Right now getting ``` APPLICATION_ENV=devtest APPLICATION_STORE=EN c
and have already confirmed
0 -
did you ran codecept build ?
0 -
vendor/bin/codecept build
0 -
yes, it was run earlier as a part of vendor/bin/install, I can see its output
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what's funny is it DOES list it in the
possible commands but doesn't allow me to run it for some reason0 -
hmm, do you have CodeFixturesConsole registered in ConsoleDependencyProvider
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yes, it's there
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and like I said, I see them in Available commands:
0 -
did you try to debug it? Or maybe just run
vendor/bin/codecept build
again0 -
i did, doesn't change code:fixtures being able to run
0 -
hmm, you should really debug it. I am out of ideas ...
0 -
I already did and I'm also out of ideas ;]
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also, please verify that your class
has a valid namespace, and system can locate the file (psr-4/0)0 -
..and file/folder names are respecting key-case
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The error comes from
method. You can try to debug it0 -
I trust the vendor/spryker has correct namespaces π
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ah, okay, Iβm working with the older spryker version that doesnβt have this command (or itβs not included into the project) π
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looking into the code what is the setting for ENABLE_DEVELOPMENT_CONSOLE_COMMANDS
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in your config?
0 -
default is false
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I have already given it earlier in this thread
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it's set to true
0 -
ok so it seems the only commands available are the ones defined in
vendor/codeception/codeception/codecept0 -
so.... it's not possible to run installer because codecept limits the commands?
0 -
this does not sound correct, maybe someone from Spryker core will answer
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gets me this exception:
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and naturally, codeception doesn't have code:fixtures command available
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but why is spryker command running codecept console instead of spryker console here?
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