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Hi all, we did upgrade to release 202204 and added the `BearerTokenAuthorizationValidatorPlugin` to
Hi all,
we did upgrade to release 202204 and added the BearerTokenAuthorizationValidatorPlugin
to the OauthDependencyProvider
see https://github.com/spryker-shop/b2c-demo-shop/blob/master/src/Pyz/Client/Oauth/OauthDependencyProvider.php
However we’re facing an issue when trying to authenticate with the generated access token in Glue, error is “Token signature mismatch”.
After further debugging, I noticed that openssl_verify
returns 0 in \Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\OpenSSL::verifySignature
and openssl_error_string
shows some errors with padding check failed, see image.
Has anybody an idea how to debug this further? I guess something is wrong with the signature or the token being signed incorrectly.
Thanks for your help!
you can try to set the key permissions correct and run setup:init-db
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Hi Julian,
thanks I checked key permissions, looks alright.
Also run the init-db command, no success.0 -
Ok, then I have no clue, sorry.
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No worries, thanks for the help mate!
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We had the same, it is a mismatch of the certificate when signing.
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Look for
and make sure it matches$config[OauthCryptographyConstants::PUBLIC_KEY_PATH]
HTH0 -
Hi Jens,
thanks I’ve checked both variables and they get set with the same key coming fromSPRYKER_OAUTH_KEY_PUBLIC
I’ve also verified the private key is set correctly and also had successful verification when using https://jwt.io/.
It would be highly appreciated if anybody has further infos on what might cause this issue.
Thanks a lot!0 -
Regarding the constants mentioned by Jens: Have you verified that \Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\OpenSSL::createSignature uses the key matching the one used in ::verifySignature? We had two keys that at first glance looked identical, but weren't.
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Hi Anne,
as you said the wrong public key atconfig/Zed/dev_only_public.key
has been used atverifySignature()
. We missed one config update when upgrading from 202009 to 202204, which was the removal ofcommon/config_oauth-development.php
• https://github.com/spryker-shop/b2c-demo-shop/commit/bb2a019c12db3f9726f7a8e5dd627d14b0aeb55d#diff-4b253e7b9aa1c12fd408[…]08d4719b0885a4833d674e1L70
Now everything works as expected, the keys from env varSPRYKER_OAUTH_KEY_PUBLIC
are now used for creating and verifying the signature.
Thanks for the help!
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