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Hi there, after updating our project's npm packages according to the

UKHR9UN00 Posts: 70 ๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿš€ - Cadet
edited December 2021 in Help

Hi there,
after updating our project's npm packages according to the b2b-demo-shop (which it is based on), we're having issues building Zed:

@import '~bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap';
      File to import not found or unreadable: ~bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap.
      in /data/vendor/spryker/gui/assets/Zed/sass/main.scss (line 11, column 1)


@import '~jstree/dist/themes/default/style';
      File to import not found or unreadable: ~jstree/dist/themes/default/style.
      in /data/vendor/spryker/file-manager-gui/assets/Zed/sass/main.scss (line 6, column 1)

These are dependencies that are included in the core module's package.json (like https://github.com/spryker/gui/blob/master/assets/Zed/package.json)
From my understanding they should install automatically by running

docker/sdk console frontend:project:install-dependencies

This could be solved by adding the dependencies to our root package.json but I guess this is not how it is supposed to work. ๐Ÿ™‚

Any ideas where to look at for this?

We're using:
webpack v4.27.1
spryker/oryx v1.4.0
spryker/oryx-for-zed v2.11.3
spryker/setup-frontend v1.7.0
spryker/gui v3.41.2


  • U01LE4BMBK7
    U01LE4BMBK7 Posts: 241 ๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿš€ - Cadet

    which nodejs / npm version are you using?

  • UKHR9UN00
    UKHR9UN00 Posts: 70 ๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿš€ - Cadet

    I just found the issue.
    Although deprecated, it's still necessary to call console frontend:zed:install-dependencies .
    I'm not sure if this is a bug in the current spryker/setup-frontend module version.

    UPDQFGGM9 Posts: 29 ๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿš€ - Cadet

    I believe the problem here is that the new command does not resolve vendor dependencies.. if you take a look at the spryker-shop/suite repo you will notice that the package.json contains workspaces now.

    It might be that this is the future way to go.. right now Iโ€™m trying exactly this way and it works with the way of installing dependencies.
    But I struggle to build Zed without editing the webpack.config in oryx-for-zed..