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Hello everyone, I'm having trouble creating a table in the b2c-demo-shop because of the following e
Hello everyone,
I'm having trouble creating a table in the b2c-demo-shop because of the following error:
Failed to execute SQL "CREATE TABLE pyz_players
I'm not sure but could it be because your unique index pyz_players-name ('name') is not specified above ??
Maybe try to dump() the result of the command MigrationMigrateCommand (149) to try and get a hint on what is the issue.0 -
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,084 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
You could also try to manually execute the sql for a moment to check if there is some more exception message… (but dont forget to revert)
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@U04TQ9UG04U Sorry for this late reply
I have defined the unique index pyz_players
just to make sure everything is correct
I am sharing the Schema file I have created<?xml version="1.0"?>
" name="zed" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" namespace="Orm\Zed\Players\Persistence" package="src.Orm.Zed.Players.Persistence"><table name="pyz_players" idMethod="native" allowPkInsert="true" phpName="PyzPlayers"> <column name="id_players" required="true" type="INTEGER" primaryKey="true" autoIncrement="true"/> <column name="player" required="true" type="VARCHAR"/> <column name="sports" required="true" type="VARCHAR"/> <unique name="pyz_players-name"> <unique-column name="name"/> </unique> <id-method-parameter value="pyz_players_pk_seq"/> </table>
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Hi, @florian.scholz The SQL worked , and I can now create new database tables.
but, as soon as I run the command: docker/sdk console data:import,
I receive the following error.0 -
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