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Hi , i have a running 2bc demoshop. Yves, Zed and the Glue Api are all reachable. B

UKHESMRD2 Posts: 37 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

Hi , i have a running 2bc demoshop. Yves, Zed and the Glue Api are all reachable. But when i try to add something to the cart or try to generate an access token with the glue api i get the following error and i have no clue why.


  • fsmeier
    fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,094 βš–οΈ - Guardians (admin)

    Have you double checked if the GatewayController is placed correctly etc? - cleared all the cache? - Can you login in Yves? - recently updated the shop?

    Just a few things which came to my mind to trace the problem down

    UKHESMRD2 Posts: 37 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

    Hey Florian, thanks for the feedback. Yes, i have double checked everything. Every Call between Yves and Zed and Glue and Zed seem to fail. I think it's a configuration issue but i can't find it.

  • fsmeier
    fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,094 βš–οΈ - Guardians (admin)

    have you recently updated the docker/sdk ? are you using backoffice/backend-gateway as entrypoints or still zed?

    UKHESMRD2 Posts: 37 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

    It's a fresh B2C Demoshop. I'm using zed as entrypoint

  • fsmeier
    fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,094 βš–οΈ - Guardians (admin)
    edited February 2022

    a fresh b2c demoshop should be out of the box configured with the newer entrypoints: backoffice etc. So you have a fresh demoshop with the latest docker/sdk without any changes and it fails currently?

    UKHESMRD2 Posts: 37 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

    sry, i forgot to mention. I have a custom nginx setup. I just use zed, yves and glue as an entrypoint

  • fsmeier
    fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,094 βš–οΈ - Guardians (admin)

    ok, this will not work with the current demoshop ootb. As you can see here https://github.com/spryker-shop/b2c-demo-shop/commit/1036ceb38e9ed64075f2e22c4b6cf5cd13e1c62a#diff-9b93e90a9cfe55f84e79[…]63010550b468a05543184bd7ff (RouterDependencyProvider in Zed) the demoshop changed to work with the new entrypoints. If you want to use the old ones you have to revert the router. But my advice is: prepare it for the new entrypoints otherwise it could bring you problems with updating later on.

  • fsmeier
    fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,094 βš–οΈ - Guardians (admin)

    So using zed as entrypoint is kind of deprecated

    UKHESMRD2 Posts: 37 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

    I will try to add the other entrypoints as well. Thank you πŸ™‚

    UKHESMRD2 Posts: 37 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

    @florian.scholz Is there an overview / explanation of what exactly the endpoints are used for?

  • fsmeier
    fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,094 βš–οΈ - Guardians (admin)

    I can not find something except this, but it is not really an explanation: https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/technical-enhancement-integration-guides/integrating-separate-endpoint-bootstraps.html

    So in the end there are the following active entrypoints (OOTB):
    β€’ GlueAPI
    β€’ Yves
    β€’ BackendGateway (communication between Glue/Yves -> β€œZed”)
    β€’ Backoffice (β€œadminpanel”)
    β€’ BackendAPI (currently alpha or beta features only)
    So in the end product wise β€œZed” was split into 3 individual services which are all individual scalable. From the code perspective we stay for now with β€œZed” as namespace - I dont know of any initiative of changing that

  • U02M0AZBB35
    U02M0AZBB35 Posts: 8 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

    So how did you solve it in the end @UKHESMRD2? I stumbled upon the same error with b2b. We use standard endpoints shipped with demo shop, backend-gateway and backend-api. Thanks

    UKHESMRD2 Posts: 37 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

    Hey @U02M0AZBB35, unfortunately I haven't gotten any further with the problem. I created a support ticket. As soon as I have a response I can post the current status here again.