Started playing around with an event listener mechanism
And I started playing around with a new feature that would be an event listener mechanism to be able to react on events when gacela resolves class names, so the user can do whatever they want: for example debugging, logging, tracing… This is the current PR with the idea so far: in case you’re interested and/or you see some potential “waste” or “opportunity”" in such a feature 🧠
An event system in Gacela would be a killer feature!!
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Having a 👀 at the PR now.
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The question now is, what type of events would you be interested from gacela? I created so far these:
• ResolvedClassCreatedEvent
• ResolvedClassCachedEvent
• ResolvedClassTryFormParentEvent
• ResolvedDefaultClassEvent
And all these events contains theClassInfo
, so you’ll know all info about the class that it’s been resolved and how0
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