Gacela Roadmap
Uff, I am not sure about that… Although, I would love to. The “problem” is that I don’t have ideas for new features or improvements so far. The range of features and scope of Gacela is pretty well define; plus everything is tested, and the code quality is really high… it’s hard for me to find spots to improve 😆
Currently, I am more focus on developing “Phel” (which uses Gacela in its core), and it’s working crazy good.
That said, from time to time, I find some minor things to improve, but nothing that would change the major version 1.x
"everything is tested, and the code quality is really high… it’s hard for me to find spots to improve"
Famous last words before everything breaks down 😛
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I “wish” to be proven wrong. The code is OSS, so there is nothing to hide 🪂
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