About the CommerceQuest

Lauren Kulwicki
Lauren Kulwicki (ex) Senior Community Manager Posts: 196 🪐 - Explorer

Welcome to CommerceQuest, the ultimate destination for cosmic collaboration and limitless innovation 🚀

About the CommerceQuest

 Whether you're connected to Spryker or simply an avid explorer of all things commerce, we hope that CommerceQuest will become your launchpad for making new connections! This interactive community space promotes collaboration, idea sharing, problem-solving, and networking. We use it as a tool to help us work together more effectively and drive innovation, all while creating genuine touchpoints with our valued customers, partners, developers and anyone else who is interested in Spryker or commerce topics.

You’ll notice that we left Earth to build up our community. That’s because space knows no bounds, welcoming all to explore and discuss dev and industry topics, commerce, technology, and more. "Go Beyond" isn't just a motto for us; it's an open invitation to push the boundaries of what's possible.

You’ll get the most out of CommerceQuest by actively participating yourself! Join discussions, ask questions, share your vast knowledge, help & learn from each other. We’re a pretty cool bunch here, so don’t be shy to join the conversation!

Keep in mind that this space is public. We welcome anyone to join us in vibrant discussions not only about Spryker topics, but other “out of this world” topics too. For private encounters with the Spryker team, additional resources await 💫

If you'd like to read about why we decided to make the switch from our Slack community to CommerceQuest, you'll find more information here.

It's time to buckle up as we reach for the stars, pushing the limits of what's possible in the ever-expanding universe of Spryker and beyond 🚀

About Spryker

Spryker enables companies to create winning transactional business models in B2B, Enterprise Marketplaces, Unified Commerce and B2C. It is the most modern cloud native platform-as-a-service solution with over 100% year-over-year growth, headless, API based, enterprise-ready, and it's loved by Sales, Marketeers, and Developers worldwide. Our dedicated team, known as the “herd," works together with relentless effort and collaboration to power our flexible and agile commerce software. They are the driving force behind our infectious spirit, and you’ll spot Sprykees taking part in our community too!

Learn more about Spryker.

Um, hey, I'm totally new here?! 👋

Well, first thing's first - hello and welcome! We encourage you to visit our Getting Started: New Member Checklist & the CommerceQuest Navigation Guide to orient you to the community space. 

We’re happy to have you on board!