Pineapple belongs on pizza.... discuss
Belongs… as in: it always needs to be there? No
Is it an option? Sure… 🍕
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I can get behind it. I know people that actually enjoy pineapple alongside sardines. 😁 Can't say if that would be space-proven, but who am I to judge
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and here we are again with same question at the beginning of the universe…and the story never ends…like the universe 😇
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Historians say that this was the first question spoke by early humans…maybe
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@James Hooper I thought it wasn't a question for you ;)
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Of course - pineapples are the only reason to eat pizza :-D
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@LilyAcrossDimensions YOU!?!?
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@Guido X Jansen as a Mexican child, everything can be eaten with pizza. Even 🦗
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Sure, everything is edible at least once… ;)
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Careful, you can be exiled to another planet where the meteor ring is made out of pineapple!
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As we already discussed: go and eat some Toast Hawaii and leave pizza out of this…. :P
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@Fred Jung & @giovanni.piemontese 😂😂 I've been quiet about this topic but feeling bolder now….without adding ham as a complementary flavor it's just wet fruit on my pizza…
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😂 "I´ll give you 15 Euro if you just go"
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@ynnoig that video is hilarious 😂
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