Would you rather travel 100 years forward or back in time?
James Hooper
Senior Technical Trainer Sprykee Posts: 67 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
Choose wisely, once you have travelled you will be stuck in that time… forever!!
When you have chosen, hit that vote button!
Would you rather travel 100 years forward or back in time? 12 votes
Travel 100 years in to the future
Traveling back would mean I might be stuck there due to a lack of electricity or other resources. Traveling into the future might be harmful due to complete destruction. But at least there is a chance of a great trip.
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I'm already traveling 100 years into the future, currently at 41%! 👨🚀
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@drlrdsen as in: you end up in a world that has already been destroyed? Or will the trip itself cause complete destruction?
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