Spryker User Group June Meetup…in-person!

Lauren Kulwicki
Lauren Kulwicki (ex) Senior Community Manager Posts: 196 🪐 - Explorer
edited August 2023 in Spryker News

Last week, both @Guido X Jansen and I had the absolute pleasure to host our monthly Spryker Digital User Group IN-PERSON! Although this group meets regularly online, being able to meet members IRL felt like a really special opportunity especially since so many of us are scattered around the world.

A round of applause to…

Our gracious hosts Turbine Kreuzberg, who opened up their "home" to us and kept us well-fed with yummy food & equally delicious conversation. Our 🔥speakers & topics included Turbine Kreuzberg's Damijan Cavar (Rules Engine) and Martin Voerster (Getting started with BDD in Spryker), and Spryker's Simon Brugger (Product feedback expedition). It felt great to gather so many brilliant minds into one room to chat & learn together. And last but certainly not least, thanks to TK's Thomas Weber, who organized the space for us and gave us such a warm welcome!

What is the User Group?

Who is it for? Our UG meetings are a chance for anyone who is interested in Spryker to join in and learn from fellow Sprykees and other community members.

How often do you meet? We host on a monthly basis, typically during the last week of each month.

Where do you meet? Since our audience comes from all over the world, we usually meet virtually but will continue to jump at the chance to do some stuff in person too!

What do you talk about? Topics vary between technical and business so check the agenda beforehand. Topics usually get added a few weeks before the event date. If you're interested to give a talk, just get in touch!

When's the next UG? We're taking a short summer break in July but will be back in August 🏝️ Check out the Event calendar and sign up!

Here's a few pics from our evening together ;)