๐ Glad to have you here - Please read me before posting

Hello and welcome to our CommerceQuest community! ๐
We're excited you've joined us. This is where developers who code with Spryker come together to learn from each other, share their experiences, and grow.
Before you start, it's important to read our Community Guidelines and Getting Started Checklist. This will help you understand how our community operates and how you can join in.
Now, let's talk about where to share your thoughts:
- Spryker Development: Have something to share about coding in Spryker? Have a question? This is the perfect place to post.
- Propel ORM: This area is dedicated to discussions about Propel ORM. If you have questions or insights about Propel, share them here. You can see this as Propels official forum.
- Community Projects: This is where you can join discussions on projects led by community members. If you're working on a project and want a special spot for it, reach out to us.
Choosing the right place to post helps keep our community organized and ensures your posts get the attention they deserve.
โ๏ธ Please note, this forum is not an official support channel of Spryker. If you have a support request, it's best to raise it in the dedicated support portal. Here, our focus is on developer-to-developer help and discussions.
Since we're still improving, your ideas and feedback are valuable. If you see something that can be better or needs fixing, let us know.
We're thrilled to have you here and can't wait to see the engagement with each other. Welcome aboard, and happy coding! ๐
- All Categories
- 42 Getting Started & Guidelines
- 7 Getting Started in the Community
- 8 Additional Resources
- 7 Community Ideas and Feedback
- 77 Spryker News
- 940 Developer Corner
- 796 Spryker Development
- 90 Spryker Dev Environment
- 362 Spryker Releases
- 3 Oryx frontend framework
- 35 Propel ORM
- 68 Community Projects
- 3 Community Ideation Board
- 30 Hackathon
- 3 PHP Bridge
- 6 Gacela Project
- 28 Job Opportunities
- 3.2K ๐ Slack Archives
- 116 Academy
- 5 Business Users
- 370 Docker
- 551 Slack General
- 2K Help
- 75 Knowledge Sharing
- 6 Random Stuff
- 4 Code Testing
- 33 Product & Business Questions
- 69 Spryker Safari Questions
- 50 Random