π Tracer Titans π
Thread for Team "Tracer Titans" to discuss and post their results/slides β¬οΈ
Team members:
Here is a spryker Docker image (PHP 8.1) with the PECL opentelemetry extension:
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@Guido X Jansen We would like our team name to be Tracer Titans please.
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This is a potential service we could use to ingest data:
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file for only one store:version: "0.1" namespace: hackaton tag: 'dev' environment: docker.dev image: tag: spryker/php:8.1 php: enabled-extensions: - blackfire environment: SPRYKER_PRODUCT_CONFIGURATOR_HOST: date-time-configurator-example.spryker.local SPRYKER_PRODUCT_CONFIGURATOR_PORT: 80 #AOP SPRYKER_AOP_INFRASTRUCTURE: '{ "SPRYKER_MESSAGE_BROKER_HTTP_SENDER_CONFIG": {}, "SPRYKER_MESSAGE_BROKER_SQS_RECEIVER_CONFIG": {} }' SPRYKER_AOP_APPLICATION: '{ "APP_DOMAINS": [], "STORE_NAME_REFERENCE_MAP": {}, "APP_CATALOG_SCRIPT_URL": "" }' SPRYKER_AOP_AUTHENTICATION: '{ "AUTH0_CUSTOM_DOMAIN": "", "AUTH0_CLIENT_ID": "", "AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET": "" }' node: version: 16 npm: 8 composer: mode: '' autoload: '' assets: mode: development regions: EU: services: database: database: eu-docker username: spryker password: secret stores: DE: services: broker: namespace: de-docker key_value_store: namespace: 1 search: namespace: de_search groups: EU: region: EU applications: yves_eu: application: yves endpoints: date-time-configurator-example.spryker.local: entry-point: Configurator yves.de.spryker.local: store: DE services: session: namespace: 1 glue_eu: application: glue endpoints: glue.de.spryker.local: store: DE backoffice_eu: application: backoffice endpoints: backoffice.de.spryker.local: store: DE services: session: namespace: 3 backend_gateway_eu: application: backend-gateway endpoints: backend-gateway.de.spryker.local: store: DE primal: true backend_api_eu: application: zed endpoints: backend-api.de.spryker.local: store: DE entry-point: BackendApi services: database: engine: mysql version: mariadb-10.4 root: username: "root" password: "secret" endpoints: localhost:3306: protocol: tcp broker: engine: rabbitmq version: '3.9' api: username: "spryker" password: "secret" endpoints: queue.spryker.local: localhost:5672: protocol: tcp session: engine: redis key_value_store: engine: redis endpoints: localhost:16379: protocol: tcp search: engine: elastic version: '7.10' endpoints: localhost:9200: protocol: tcp scheduler: engine: jenkins version: '2.324' csrf-protection-enabled: true endpoints: scheduler.spryker.local: mail_catcher: engine: mailhog endpoints: mail.spryker.local: swagger: engine: swagger-ui endpoints: swagger.spryker.local: redis-gui: engine: redis-commander endpoints: redis-commander.spryker.local: dashboard: engine: dashboard endpoints: spryker.local: docker: ssl: enabled: false redirect: true testing: store: DE debug: enabled: true xdebug: enabled: true mount: native: platforms: - linux docker-sync: platforms: - windows mutagen: platforms: - macos
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How to reproduce building the image with the opentelemetry extension:
git clone git@github.com:spryker/docker-php.git cd docker-php docker build --build-arg PHP_PECL_EXTENSIONS="apcu redis opentelemetry-beta" -f alpine/3.17/8.1/Dockerfile .
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Presentation Prototype:
Please add any notes and things to share.
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Git handle
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My Github handle: @shockbytes
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git handle @SchneiderDivaE
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Here is the Git repository:
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How to setup Collector:
Running in docker:git clone -b main https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz.git && cd signoz/deploy/
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A developer using our integration to debug his shop
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Latest command to build the docker image with PECL extensions
docker build --push --tag lstrojny/spryker-php-otel:latest --build-arg PHP_PECL_EXTENSIONS="apcu redis opentelemetry protobuf" -f alpine/3.17/8.1/Dockerfile .
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Latest build command, this time against PHP 8.2 because some OTEL instrumentations need PHP 8.2:
docker build --tag lstrojny/spryker-php-otel:latest --build-arg PHP_PECL_EXTENSIONS="apcu redis opentelemetry protobuf" -f alpine/3.17/8.2/Dockerfile .
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New docker image pushed
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We now have this GH repo for multi platform images
GitHub - spryker-community/otel-php-docker
Multi platform builds for the docker image:
docker buildx bake
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There is a new repository at
This builds new multi platform docker images for opentelemetry:
docker build bake --push
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docker build --tag lstrojny/spryker-php-otel:latest --build-arg PHP_PECL_EXTENSIONS="apcu redis protobuf" -f alpine/3.17/8.1/Dockerfile .
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We can send custom variables via OpenTelemetry.
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Guido X Jansen Global Business & Technology Evangelist Sprykee Posts: 425 βοΈ - Guardians (admin)0
Integrating OpenTelemetry is such a beautiful initiative with a kick-ass value add!
Great job! π3 -
Guido X Jansen Global Business & Technology Evangelist Sprykee Posts: 425 βοΈ - Guardians (admin)
Presentation recording:
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Ok than its time to give me access to the infrastructure team to get it into to the paas :-P or lets talk about the excite hackathon to get this as a feature for the platform. :) @Simon Brugger
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