FYI: Spryker Developer License trial period limits
One of the points brought up last year was that the Spryker Developer Evaluation license trial period was deemed too limited (45 days max) and that this should be longer/unlimited.
This refers to this part of the license:
Spryker grants to Licensee, during the 45-calendar-day period (the “Evaluation Period”) following the download of the Software, the nontransferable, nonexclusive limited, free of charge license to permit Licensee’s employees to internally use the Software to test and evaluate the Software in connection with potentially purchasing non-evaluation licenses to the Software.
So, I spoke to our legal department about this. They mentioned that this is probably a non-issue: When agencies become a Spryker partner, they sign a separate/additional agreement. And those agreements don't include any (45-day) evaluation limit.
So this limit doesn't apply to Hackweekender participants that are employees of official Spryker partners (and similar for customers).
It might still impose problems on developers that want to check out Spryker. Maybe, we want to add a contact to the text so they can open communication. Not a Hackathon problem though.
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