Community Tip: How to make your first post

Let's paint a picture here: You're officially in CommerceQuest (yay!), looking around & getting comfortable, your profile is looking snazzy, you've read some of the latest posts and maybe even commented or reacted to a few. What's next?
It's time to make your first post 😏
You’ll get the most out of CommerceQuest by actively participating yourself!
Just from knowing our original Slack community, I have found that our community members tend to be welcoming, curious, helpful, casual, and hella smart! So don't be shy to get in there and ask questions or pose a new discussion topic to the group.
Best places to start posting
- Pick a category: Here's a full overview of all the topics available to you. Just pick your category of choice and create a new discussion or ask a question there.
- : A spot for your random & fun questions and anything else you want to share.
Creating your first post
It's as easy as clicking this button! You'll find it located in the right corner of the page you're on. If you don't see this button, that means you're in a location where you can't post discussions.
For Sprykees: If you want to post something in a specific category where you don't see this option, just get in touch with the Community Team and we'll help you out.
If you click on the button, you'll find two options. Just pick whichever is most relevant to the type of content you're posting.
If you click the button and you're not in a specific subcategory, you may be asked to"select a category" to post in. You'll find all the options in the drop down :)
You can also save your draft if you want and post it later! You can find both your drafts and your discussions history in the Quick Links sidebar.
Final point: When posting a question or a new discussion, just know that it doesn't have to be perfect! This community is NOT looking for perfectly polished content; we're here to exchange and that can take any form. So feel free to keep it casual and be YOU :)
- All Categories
- 42 Getting Started & Guidelines
- 7 Getting Started in the Community
- 8 Additional Resources
- 7 Community Ideas and Feedback
- 79 Spryker News
- 946 Developer Corner
- 804 Spryker Development
- 91 Spryker Dev Environment
- 362 Spryker Releases
- 3 Oryx frontend framework
- 35 Propel ORM
- 68 Community Projects
- 3 Community Ideation Board
- 30 Hackathon
- 3 PHP Bridge
- 6 Gacela Project
- 26 Job Opportunities
- 3.2K 📜 Slack Archives
- 116 Academy
- 5 Business Users
- 370 Docker
- 551 Slack General
- 2K Help
- 75 Knowledge Sharing
- 6 Random Stuff
- 4 Code Testing
- 33 Product & Business Questions
- 69 Spryker Safari Questions
- 50 Random