provide means of untoggling "answeared" tag

Someone moved my Question to an other Area and informed me about it with a comment, which is fine.
But now the question is marked as answeared while there was only a cosmetic comment.
Could you provide a way to comment on questions without triggering the tag "answeared" tag?
Hey @sebastian.wagner that's a great point! I will look into how we can get it so that questions are not automatically marked as being answered, especially when it's still in progress. But in the meantime, when someone adds a comment, there is a spot where you can click "Did this answer your question: Yes or no?"
With the example you're referring to, I clicked "no" and you can see that the question now shows correctly as unanswered.
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@sebastian.wagner totally, we also noticed this last week. Couldn't find a setting for this right away, so I've put it through to our supplier to see if/how we can change this.
Keep the ideas coming! :)
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