Which is better, cats or dogs?

Team Doggo over hereeeeeeeee π
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Guido X Jansen Global Business & Technology Evangelist Sprykee Posts: 425 βοΈ - Guardians (admin)Dogs
We have a cat. So definitely dogs.
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Let's go, doggo team! πΆ
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Cat lovers are pretty quiet in these partsβ¦.meow, anyone?
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Clearly dogs:
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@Alberto Reyer look at that smile! π€© What breed?
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She is a one year old mini australian sheppherd and one of the joys of my life :)
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@Alberto Reyer I LOVE that size! My dog is medium-to-large and as much as I love having him as a travel buddy he isn't very compact π My next dog (still a few years off from this commitment ) will be more your size, and now I know a new breed type to look into :D
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@Lauren Kulwicki Be warned, australian shepperds have a LOT of energy and need a lot of time for activities.
But on the other hand they learn very fast. For us it mostly takes a few hours instead of weeks to train new tricks.
What breed do you have? Do you see any chance to share a picture of your dog?0 -
@Alberto Reyer okay that is good to know, and would take some getting used to since I have a hound mix! He's happy to sniff all day at a slow & steady pace π He's quite old now at 15+ and having some health issues now but here's a pic of him in his smiley state. Such a good boy!
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You wouldn't think that something like this exists, BUT: 50% cat lover, 50% dog lover over here. :D
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@Charline Goetz you are a unicorn π¦ Loveee it
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