Spryker Backend Fundamentals Certification Exam on Spryker Safari

last week I attended the instructor led Backend Development Basics training which was really great!
On Spryker Safari I saw that there are now 2 different certification exams, one for the basic and one for the intermediate course. I also saw that by attending one of the courses you get a free voucher for the corresponding exam.
We did not get any voucher after we finished the instructor led Basic course. Can you tell me how to get the free access to the Basic course exam?
Best Answer
Hi Lukas!
Thank you for your question!
The ideal way to proceed is that you attempt the Basics exam after completing the Basics Instructor-Led Training or E-Learning and similarly attempt the Intermediate exam after completing the Intermediate Instructor-Led Training or E-Learning.
You will receive a voucher for the exams from the instructor after completing the corresponding Instructor-Led Training.
Hope that I have answered your question :)
Hi Lukas!
Thank you for your question!
The ideal way to proceed is that you attempt the Basics exam after completing the Basics Instructor-Led Training or E-Learning and similarly attempt the Intermediate exam after completing the Intermediate Instructor-Led Training or E-Learning.
You will receive a voucher for the exams from the instructor after completing the corresponding Instructor-Led Training.
Hope that I have answered your question :)
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Ok great thanks a lot Hari for clarifying :)
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