How to get order reference after executing sales return from zed (backend) ?

I want to create a plugin which gets the order reference along with customer details and hit the external apis with the payload as order reference and customer details.
I have also gone with ReturnCreateFormHandlerPluginInterface under the SalesReturnGui which handles the return events after executing the sales return under the Zed but it will not perform the task which I required as it has some form handler and other stuffs which I have no any requirement for the same.
I just want to get the order reference no just after executing the sales return from the backend.
It would be very helpful to me.
Best Answer
How about hooking into the command StartReturnCommandPlugin() in the OMS?
Take a look at the
OmsDependencyProvider src/Pyz/Zed/Oms/OmsDependencyProvider.php
You could extend that one or register your command plugin for that event .
How about hooking into the command StartReturnCommandPlugin() in the OMS?
Take a look at the
OmsDependencyProvider src/Pyz/Zed/Oms/OmsDependencyProvider.php
You could extend that one or register your command plugin for that event .
3 -
Thank you @Hidran Arias ,
it means allot to me.5
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