Net Price don't show on frontend
Hi guys,
We have price entry at Net Price.
But it doesn't show the price on storefront. Am I missing some config?
Hau Nguyen
Hi Hau,
Could you please specify which course you're referring to?
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There is the PriceConfig class where you can set how prices are shown: net or gross. That class can be overridden at project level and by code bucket. By default is GROSS_MODE . That's why it's shown empty in your case.
Here is an example on how to override it at project level:namespace Pyz\Shared\Price;
use Spryker\Shared\Price\PriceConfig as SprykerPriceConfig;
class PriceConfig extends
public function getDefaultPriceMode(): string
return static::
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hi Hidran Arias,
It works fine for me, but is there no config support for this in backOffice?
Hau Nguyen
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