Hi Team, how to allow CORS origin for glue API.
i had configured $config[GlueApplicationConstants::GLUE_APPLICATION_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN] = '*';
i can able to access on postman and endpoints on browser but when i was glue api endpoint i was getting the cors error
Could you please share a screenshot where we can see the endpoint and the parameters you're passing?
Show also the headers tab.
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,056 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
Heyhey @nagapavankumar.guggil ,
your change should have worked in theory so please provide some more infos as Hidran suggested :)
Additional I want to add that it would be better practise to leave that config line defined by environment variable
] = getenv(
) ?:
And adjust the deploy-files similar to that:
application: glue
store: DE
cors-allow-origin: '*'
store: ATWith this it is easier to configure it later in the cloud.
All the best,
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