Adyen Payment integration payment method form not displaying

Deepika10 Posts: 7 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

Hi ,

I am working on payment integration on my local B2B instance

I have followed Spryker document as well as Adyen. Implemented required changes. I can only see Adyen payment options on checkout but form is not loading. Please help me what are the required thing I am missing. PFA screenshot

Adyen side I have configured merchant account on testing account and generated api key, client key, origin key

Thanks for helping in advance !


  • Alberto Reyer
    Alberto Reyer Posts: 690 🪐 - Explorer

    Is there any issue shown in the web console of your browser? I assume that the adyen form does not load on a local domain do to either CORS or some adyen setting, but this is just a guess.
    Another guess, if I remember it correctly, you do not use a https connection locally and the form only loads on secured connections (https). At least this is another quite common issue.
    But without any further information it's nearly impossible to help you out here.

  • Deepika10
    Deepika10 Posts: 7 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    Hi Alberto,

    Thanks for response.

    I am using below configuration for local let me know if it is correct .

    $config[AdyenConstants::SDK_ENVIRONMENT] = 'test'

    $config[AdyenConstants::REQUEST_CHANNEL] = 'Web'

    $config[AdyenConstants::SDK_CHECKOUT_SECURED_FIELDS_URL] = ''

    $config[AdyenConstants::SDK_CHECKOUT_SHOPPER_JS_URL] = ''

    $config[AdyenConstants::SDK_CHECKOUT_SHOPPER_CSS_URL] = ''

    Also let me know if we need to install npm adyen or websdk. and how would we know correct sdk version.


  • Alberto Reyer
    Alberto Reyer Posts: 690 🪐 - Explorer

    Looks fine, but still the web console in your browser might give you a good hint what is missing or wrong