Newly imported categories are not visible on spryker's storefront(B2C) Top navigation menu.
Hello guys, this question could be silly. But I couldn't find a solution to this after hours of inspection. I've modified the existing import files to have only two categories (removed all the existing categories in category.csv file). I've modified the other entries in other files as well. So I can see the product page when I checked something like this '(' with the provided price. And I can see that the categories are successfully linked to the products, Now I wanted to replace the TOP navigation header with just two categories that I've imported. So I have modified the navigation-node.csv to add those. After import process, I can see the change in backend. But when I checked the frontend, I couldn't find the navigation menu at all. All previous nodes will be removed as I cleared those and imported freshly with only those two nodes(used-cars and new-cars). But those two are also not visible and I can only see an empty navigation header there. I guess there is something missing with the category config as I'm getting 404 for and
Here is the backoffice screen
and this is what I get on the frontend (Also note that the navigation menu is disappeared)
If anyone knows how to tackle this, please let me know. Any help will be appreciated.
Try to clear the cache with
docker/sdk console cache:empty-all
and also
docker/sdk console navigation:build-cache
If you still don't see the changes, then verify your queues , and that Jenkins is up and running, as the changes are not propagating into the front storages0 -
- Check if the url was saved to the DB (`spy_url`)
- Check if the url was published correctly (`spy_url_storage`)
- Check the url exist in the storage (redis)
- Check the same for the category (`spy_category_node_storage`)
If one of the entities does not exist in the DB, debug the saving process. If it's not in the _storage table you can look into the publishing process of the related entity.
If it's not in the storage, then try to sync it (data:sync <entity>) and debug this process.
That the navigation is not shown on the 404 page might be related to an adoption of the 404 page on project level. By default a 404 page shows the navigation (see )1
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