How to implement cross selling in Spryker?

Hi guys, I need to implement a scenario in my B2C shop where I need to show a list of cross selling products to the customer when the customer adds certain product to the cart. Unfortunately, I could not find any solution to offer cross selling here. Can anyone please help me in how to get this implemented. Any links to such case studies are highly appreciated. I read about something called product relations feature in spryker. Would that be an appropriate solution for what I'm seeking to implement?
Thanks in advance :)
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
yes, I think product relations feature is exactly what you are looking for:All the best,
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I've checked with this one. But this doesn't look like an appropriate solution for me. We can use product relations feature to show the list of related or upselling products (on the PDP or the cart pages). But there needs to be additional features present when it comes to cross selling. Like, If I remove the main product from the cart, the related products also should be removed. Also , the same cross selling product should be able to be associated with more than one product in the cart. Like if you're planning to buy an extended warranty for two different smart phones in your cart, then in the cart we should be able to show these two different warranty product associated with these two different smart phones. But now, when I implemented with product relations, Consider that I added two different products to the cart plus the same product as a cross selling product for each of the main product, Now i can see those two units of cross selling products are grouped together as a single line item in the cart with its quantity as two. What I'm trying to achieve is that the cross selling product should've always presented as an associated product and it shouldn't have an existence of its own. Hope everyone understand. This solution is already available in the competitors like Commercetools (Just letting you know). Also, it is possible that this can be done in Spryker as well, just that I'm not aware of it :). This is where I need the help of Spryker experts.
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
the only thing I can imagine going in that direction is
. Maybe also have a look atIn the end I think we dont offer ootb the exact behaviour you are describing.
All the best,
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