New courses on the Academy platform (August edition)

Nataliia Potapova
Posts: 21 🧑🏻🚀 - Cadet
Hello everyone,
August is typically a calm month, a time for vacations and relaxation. However, it doesn't extend to the Academy. We have continued delivering fresh and innovative content. Here's an overview of what's new and updated on the Academy website:
- Composable Storefront Overview (Early Access program)
- Spryker Debugging: From basics to advanced
- Development Environment Overview (updated - with xdebug videos)
- Spryker Cloud Platform Basics (updated - look at the Self-service capabilities module)
Enjoy your time learning Spryker;)
Nice @Nataliia Potapova! How does one apply for the Early Access program?
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@Guido X Jansen good question. best is to contact Spryker Customer Success manager to learn the details of the program and apply;)
- All Categories
- 42 Getting Started & Guidelines
- 7 Getting Started in the Community
- 8 Additional Resources
- 7 Community Ideas and Feedback
- 81 Spryker News
- 961 Developer Corner
- 815 Spryker Development
- 91 Spryker Dev Environment
- 362 Spryker Releases
- 3 Oryx frontend framework
- 36 Propel ORM
- 68 Community Projects
- 3 Community Ideation Board
- 30 Hackathon
- 3 PHP Bridge
- 6 Gacela Project
- 29 Job Opportunities
- 3.2K 📜 Slack Archives
- 116 Academy
- 5 Business Users
- 370 Docker
- 551 Slack General
- 2K Help
- 75 Knowledge Sharing
- 6 Random Stuff
- 4 Code Testing
- 33 Product & Business Questions
- 70 Spryker Safari Questions
- 50 Random