Community Tip: Using "reactions" & what do they mean?

Lauren Kulwicki
Lauren Kulwicki (ex) Senior Community Manager Posts: 196 🪐 - Explorer
edited September 2023 in Getting Started & Guidelines

Hello CommerceQuest peeps! You may have noticed "reactions" below every post. They look like this:

Reactions are a great way to show some love to the poster or topic, even if you don't want to comment any further. And, you can earn more points towards your rank by reacting!

⬆️ Vote Up: Click this on posts that you think deserve some extra love – whether it's a great idea, a helpful tip, or something you agree with / approve of. This can also be considered like the standard "like" or thumbs-up you see on other social sites.

⬇️ Vote Down: If a post seems off-topic, doesn't contribute, or you disagree, a thumbs-down might be the way to go. It's a gentle way of saying 'Hmm, not quite feeling it.'

💡Insightful: Give it a click when you come across a post that drops some wisdom or offers a fresh perspective. It's like a virtual nod of approval for those clever or "Aha!" moments.

🚩Flag: If you spot a post that goes against the community guidelines, is inappropriate, or needs attention from moderators, hit the flag button. Help keep things clean and respectful!

Quote: If you want to respond directly to someone's comment, use the "Quote" reaction. It will automatically add their comment into your own comment field so that you can easily refer back to it when replying.

Any questions? Just post in the comments….or react ;)
