ProductGroupWidget error when inheritance project level

Spryker job Posts: 23 🧑🏻🚀 - Cadet
hi team,
We have followed the document:
When I inherit from core's default, everything works fine. But when inheriting at project level. It gives me a "FAIL WHALE" error.
I don't know the reason why
You can view the record to understand clearly:
Hau Nguyen
We have to verify the instruction in the docs, as multiple inheritance is not implemented at twig template level.
The file in your green theme would be loaded and that works but you have to do one of the followings:
- Extend from the Core
- Copy and paste from project level (default theme) and modify what you need
- Create a new component out of the box
If you extend the same molecule from a molecule with the same name, at project level, it goes into recursion and that's why you see the failed whale.
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