Save the Date: Project Tech Leads "Ask Me Anything" Event (October 11th)!

DATE CHANGE: Please note the new date is October 11 at 14:00 CEST - Thanks!
CommerceQuest is excited to announce its very first Q&A!
We're kicking it off with an Architecture theme: Join @Buenyamin Inan and @Ievgen Varava, two Project Technical Leads at Spryker for an "Ask Me Anything" session. Together, Bรผnyamin and Ievgen will answer your burning questions, and you'll get to know them a bit in the process!
How it works:
We're collecting your questions in advance. You can either post your questions directly here as a comment (be sure to upvote your favorites!) or submit them using this Google Form. The deadline to submit questions is October 10th.
If we can't get through all the questions in this session, don't worry! Ievgen and Bรผnyamin will answer them here or do a follow-up AMA session.
Sign up here:
Got (other) questions? If you have a question but it isn't related to the topic of this AMA, please share it in one of our existing categories instead, and one of our members will help you out :)
Looking forward to your questions & hope you can join us during the live session for the answers!
Let me do the honour of posting the first not-so burning question ๐ (though i have a few questions).
- Is Spryker planning a complete SaaS solution like some of its direct competitors(you know them ๐)? How do you differentiate PaaS(or Paas+) with SaaS with respect to the Spryker Commerce OS. And the last question, How do we stop unlicensed usage of the Spyrker codebase(this one could be a burning one ๐).
3 -
Thanks everyone for your contributions! In the end we received 27 (!) questions from the community ๐ We probably won't manage to answer all of them in today's session but our speakers will get through as many as they can. Hopefully see you later today at 14:00 CEST for the answer round!
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