OMS graph view has changed to a somewhat broken state

Recently, within this past month, the OMS graph view has developed an issue where it displays broken texts and is missing some information it previously showed.
A team member who is still using his original install of the b2b demoshop, is seeing functioning OMS graphs while viewing our state machines.
I tend to do dev environment resets more often when testing things, and the broken OMS showed up on my machine. Then, after we pushed changes last week to AWS staging environment, the issue appeared there as well.
I tried a fresh 202307 b2b demoshop installation this weekend, and the OMS graphs are broken.
Best Answer
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
I just tested in 202307.0 b2b-demo-shop and I can confirm. Could you please create an official support ticket and let me now once it is official reported so I can add some more details? (with that way it is easier to push priority)
All the best,
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
I just tested in 202307.0 b2b-demo-shop and I can confirm. Could you please create an official support ticket and let me now once it is official reported so I can add some more details? (with that way it is easier to push priority)
All the best,
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Created case number 00052714 for this. The portal needs a bug report feature 😄
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
we found the initial problem and in the morning the solution was deployed. ✅Some background information:
In the demoshops we dont use a granular image tag. So we use
instead ofspryker/php:8.1-alpine3.17
for example. The last days/weeks we introduced alpine3.16 image which was than the latest for the tagspryker/php:8.1
and which contained a problem with graphviz, the library used for rendering the svg for OMS.
Your support ticket will likely have the same information, but here also for everyone else for transparency:- In the cloud you need to redeploy the application with the image rebuild
- Locally you can do
docker/sdk pull && docker/sdk up —build
Hope your problem is solved,
have a great day and all the best,Florian
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