🔪 Die Überspitzen (Be Sharps) 💚
Thread for Team "Die Überspitzen (Be Sharps)" to discuss and post their results/slides ⬇️
Team members:
- Dennis Blümer
- @thomas.werth
- @mjung
- @a4blue
- @sven.adler
@Tobias Ouwejan please share the docs about Oryx Frontend and how to set it up,
1 -
Setting up Oryx can be done with a one liner:
npm create oryx
You can also use our documentation, see
I cannot find the instruction to connect your local SCOS in the docs, but it is as simple as adding the following
variable in the backend Oryx application.SCOS_BASE_URL=http://glue.de.spryker.local
Note: the boilerplate contains the
env variable. This will be ignored if you put in theSCOS_BASE_URL.
You can also decide to remove the fallback or even use that for the API config.2 -
@Volodymyr Lunov As discussed, I'll share some "Oryx in 90" video's:
You probably want to checkout "Create a Custom Component - Oryx in 90"
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