🎧️ Mining Dwarves 💖
Lauren Kulwicki
(ex) Senior Community Manager Posts: 196 🪐 - Explorer
Thread for Team "Mining Dwarves" to discuss and post their results/slides ⬇️
- @kasalgado
- Tim Körtgen
- @David Wischner
- @hardik.gajjar
Few Oryx in 90 videos, also to customize components:
An example to build a custom component:
Step 1: Create componentCreate definition
Put the definition in
import { componentDef } from "@spryker-oryx/utilities"; export const pieComponent = componentDef({ name: "oryx-pie", impl: () => import("./pie.component.js").then((m) => m.PieComponent), });
Create implementation
Put the implementation in
import { LitElement, html } from "lit"; export class PieComponent extends LitElement { render() { return html`pie...`; } }
Provide component definition in app bootstrap
The application doesn't know about the component, lets provide it:
export const app = appBuilder() .withComponents([pieComponent])
Step 2: Register component inside the experience data
We add the
component after the home hero component.export const app = appBuilder() … .withProviders([ provideExperienceData({ merge: { selector: "home-hero", type: "after", }, type: "oryx-pie", }), ])
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