ACP is not activated yet

hi team,
We are trying to install some apps from backoffice, it seems that under local environment we cannot install any apps.
How can we install App Composition Platform under local environment?
Hau Nguyen
Best Answer
Hi Hau, thank you for your great question!
You are right, it is currently not possible to connect apps from the ACP catalog to your local development environment.
The reason for this is, that it requires an account for your environment and registration based on these account credentials so your environment would be fully ACP-enabled. We do not support this for external local environments as of now.
However, we are aware of this need from our customer project developers, and now thanks to you, from our community. We will look into the different options for facilitating this option moving forward.
So thank you again Hau for your valuable input on this!
Best Regards
Hi Hau, thank you for your great question!
You are right, it is currently not possible to connect apps from the ACP catalog to your local development environment.
The reason for this is, that it requires an account for your environment and registration based on these account credentials so your environment would be fully ACP-enabled. We do not support this for external local environments as of now.
However, we are aware of this need from our customer project developers, and now thanks to you, from our community. We will look into the different options for facilitating this option moving forward.
So thank you again Hau for your valuable input on this!
Best Regards
Thomas1 -
hi @Thomas,
I hope these changes will be made in the near future. Because in some cases we cannot check in the cloud environment, and can only work locally
Hau Nguyen
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