Mixin doesn't accept a content block
hi team,
We have followed instructions (https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/front-end-development/202307.0/yves/yves-multi-themes.html#extending-scss) on how to extend SCSS, but there seems to be a bug related to the SCSS mixin
SassError: Mixin doesn't accept a content block.
In case I remove the 2 {} marks in the body of basic-typography it works well for me
Hau Nguyen
The widget you´re using, doesn´t take a content selector, @content, that´s why you cannot use it the way you did before. The on you used you can just include it like you did in the first example.
This following mixin can accept a content
@mixin product-group-widget-product-item-color-selector($name: '.product-item-color-selector') {@include product-group-widget-color-selector($name) {
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