Tea or Coffee? Which will it be...

James Hooper
Senior Technical Trainer Sprykee Posts: 67 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
Did you know that it is estimated that 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed EVERY DAY!!!!!!
But, which is your favourite? Tea or Coffee..
Tea or Coffee? Which will it be... 18 votes
Coffee keeps me going
Life without coffee is possible, but meaningless! :-D
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Coffee keeps me going
That's a hard question!! 😅There's nothing better than your first coffee on a Monday morning, but I would not want to do without tea either…especially on a rainy workday. 😍
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Tea for me please
What about both? 🥹 I drink coffee once or twice a day, but otherwise mostly tea. Green tea is my go-to morning drink :D
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Coffee keeps me going
Coffee is good for you!
- Regularly drinking moderate amounts of coffee may prevent liver cancer – the World Health Organisation has recently confirmed this reduced risk after reviewing more than 1,000 studies in humans
- Coffee also lowers the risk of other liver conditions including fibrosis (scar tissue that builds up within the liver) and cirrhosis
- Drinking coffee can slow the progression of liver disease in some patients
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Coffee keeps me going
Pizzashake 🤔
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