How stable is the Dynamic Multistore feature? Anyone using it in prod?

I know its an 'Early Access' release, but I'd like to know if anyone is using it, and if so, if you faced any pains implementing it.
We'd use it in a project, but I'd like to know how far into the sla-less void are we getting into.
Quoting 202307.0 release notes:
Dynamic Multistore is currently running under an Early Access Release. Early Access Releases are subject to specific legal terms, they are unsupported and do not provide production-ready SLAs. They can also be deprecated without a General Availability Release. Nevertheless, we welcome feedback from early adopters on these cutting-edge, exploratory features.
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
have you already talked to your Partner Success Manager? I can not say for sure but often Spryker is interested to work hand-in-hand with partners to see how EA features behave in certain use-cases.All the best,
0 -
I'm Andrew, a gatekeeper for the Dynamic Multistore (DMS) Early Access program.
Several clients are preparing their projects for the integration, but no one has yet integrated it, because DMS requires the latest version of the Spryker Product Release.
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