Your chance to provide Spryker Product Feedback
What are the top 3 things that you appreciate about Spryker Product?
And what are the top 3 things that you don’t and it needs to be addressed?
Recurring things I hear about (skewed towards forum/developer topics because those I interact with most):
👍 Long term maintainability
👍 Easy to onboard, just plain PHP, good structure/logic—
👎 LINK middleware > solved by our new Alumio-powered Middleware!
👎 Documentation not up-to-date
👎 Github PRs are not processed (solved since last month for core and Oryx bugfixes, but was a very common complaint)3 -
👍 Almost everything is possible to develop when you take Spryker as a highly extendable and customizable framework
👍 Great docker/sdk which makes developer's live a lot easier in comparison to other technologies where you often have to build your own (local) hosting stack-
👎 Lots of effort to keep a project up-to-date, even during initial project-phase / development
👎 Missing comfort-features which are common in Symfony (autowiring,…)7
- All Categories
- 42 Getting Started & Guidelines
- 7 Getting Started in the Community
- 8 Additional Resources
- 7 Community Ideas and Feedback
- 77 Spryker News
- 937 Developer Corner
- 794 Spryker Development
- 90 Spryker Dev Environment
- 362 Spryker Releases
- 3 Oryx frontend framework
- 35 Propel ORM
- 68 Community Projects
- 3 Community Ideation Board
- 30 Hackathon
- 3 PHP Bridge
- 6 Gacela Project
- 27 Job Opportunities
- 3.2K 📜 Slack Archives
- 116 Academy
- 5 Business Users
- 370 Docker
- 551 Slack General
- 2K Help
- 75 Knowledge Sharing
- 6 Random Stuff
- 4 Code Testing
- 33 Product & Business Questions
- 69 Spryker Safari Questions
- 50 Random